Converting Fractions into Decimal

Concept Explanation

Converting Fractions into Decimal

Converting Fractions into Decimal:

A rational number is a number which can be expressed in the form large frac{m}{n}, where m and n are both integers and large nneq 0. A rational number frac{m}{n} is said to be in its lowest terms, if large nepsilon N and m and n have no common factor other than 1. For example frac{2}{3},frac{7}{4},frac{12}{2} etc are rational numbers in their lowest terms, whereas frac{22}{32} is not in its lowest terms.

A rational number frac{m}{n} is a positive rational number if m and n are of the same sign.

If m and n are such that one of them is positive and another one is negative, then the rational number frac{m}{n} is negative.

Recall that every integer m is also a rational number, as it can be written as frac{m}{1}

A rational number, like all fractions, can also be expressed as a decimal number. The following illustrations will illustrate the same.

Illustration: Express frac{7}{8} in the decimal form by long division method.

Solution:   We have,


large therefore ;;;;frac{7}{8}=0.875

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

on converting the following fraction to decimal.we get _______________.


Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Decimal representation of frac{1}{5 }    is ________________________.

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Express 1.0001 decimal in the form



Right Option : D
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